• What makes a burial "green"?

    Green burial, also called “natural” burial, uses no embalming fluid and no metal/concrete vault that prevent the body from merging with the soil. Instead, the body is buried in biodegradable materials and will decompose naturally into the earth around it. This is more environmentally friendly than embalming (which uses toxic chemicals) or cremation (which requires lots of fuel and releases harmful emissions).

  • Is green burial legal in my state?

    Yes. There is no law in the United States that requires embalming before burial. There are local regulations on where people can be buried and not all cemeteries currently allow green burial. However, a growing number of cemeteries have dedicated space for this and many new ones are entirely dedicated to green burial. I encourage you to look into the options in your area through the Green Burial Council.

  • Is green burial sanitary?

    Yes. Instead of using embalming fluids, decomposition is delayed by simply keeping the body cool using dry ice or a naturally cold location. It is completely safe for loved ones to touch, wash, groom, and anoint a deceased body. Once buried, the body begins naturally decomposing and becomes part of the soil.

  • Can I have a regular funeral?

    Yes. Many funeral homes are familiar with green burial and will assist in transporting and preparing the body (or helping your loved ones prepare your body) for a “green” service at the funeral home or place of worship. Some people chose to have a “home funeral” where their body is laid out in a more intimate setting before being transported to the place of burial. A growing number of funeral homes are happy to assist with this, or your loved ones can arrange the transportation themselves. The National Home Funeral Alliance has many local resources on this.

  • I want a Burial Blanket but I'm not sure about green burial.

    Burial Blankets can be used in any kind of burial. You can be shrouded in your Burial Blanket inside of any kind of casket, or it can serve as a decorative covering or pall. Burial Blankets can also be cremated and some green cemeteries will accept ashes.

  • Is green burial expensive?

    Often, it is more affordable than conventional burial. Green burial containers are less expensive than conventional options and do not come with extra fees for embalming, reconstruction, etc. Green burial plots vary in price but are generally comparable to plots in conventional cemeteries, and often part of the fee is a donation to a nonprofit land trust or nature preserve.